Single Film Contracts
Read more: Single Film ContractsI f you’ve been following these posts you will be forgiven for assuming that every contract we signed was for a minimum of six or so titles, however that wasn’t always the case, as the following three will demonstrate. “TODO POR NADA” Does the title ‘Todo por Nada’ ring any bells, you may know it…
Derann and its Standard 8 Prints of Psycho… Uncensored?
Read more: Derann and its Standard 8 Prints of Psycho… Uncensored?There will be a number of readers who know the story concerning our deal from 1968/9, a landmark contract for Derann in which we acquired the rights to several Universal/Paramount titles that included ‘The Evil of Frankenstein’, ‘Magnificent Obsession’, ‘Flower Drum Song’, ‘The Mummy’, ‘The Invisible Man’, ‘To Hell and Back’, ‘Blue Skies’ and its…

The Snowman
Read more: The SnowmanI don’t think that we’d seen anything but a few stills from the Snowman and no one had been very impressed, we’d all felt that they looked childish and a little sketchy. Derek in particular…
Collector’s Corner – Clinton Hunt
Read more: Collector’s Corner – Clinton HuntIf you have a story to tell send it to my personal messenger, and a photo or two would be nice.This chapter written by a get who runs 8mm Ken Films Collections on Facebook. Clinton…
The 20th Century Fox Contract
Read more: The 20th Century Fox ContractFollowing the success of the MGM features it didn’t take long for Derek to persuade Twentieth Century Fox, that the time was right for them to allow us to issue full length features. ‘The Sound…

Derann Contracts and Rights
A look at some of the numerous meetings that we undertook in order to issue 8mm films to our customers.
Derann Film Labels
A look at some of the film labels sold by Derann