This English dubbed German horror was another that we picked up from Butchers Films. Its original title was ‘Mosquito der Schänder’, but was also known as ‘Bloodlust: The Black Forest Vampire’ and ‘Bloodlust: The Vampire of Nuremberg’. Loosely based on a true case, this film deals with a young man (Werner Pochath), who in his childhood became deaf and dumb after having been beaten by his father. He seeks company in the local graveyard, collects puppets and mutilates female bodies in the mortuary. It had already gained a reputation by the time we released it and after a slow start it turned into a very profitable release. Although the box was apparently featured in the videos ‘Fear, Panic & Censorship’ and ‘Ban the Sadist Videos!’ part 1 & 2 we bever had any problems with the censor or the law. The label was again designed by Marianne Frost.
Label courtesy of Karl Scarisbrick.
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