A vast and complicated industry and one that until the advent of DVD, was a thriving and occasionally a rather sleazy part of the market, with adverts often taking up whole pages made up of small blocks, with headlines that might read ‘Uncensored Swedish Movies’ or ‘A Private Collection’. Walton Films where producing them as early as 1951, with Harrison Marks adding his brand of titillation in 1958, but these were certainly not the earliest. Most were very innocent by today’s standards, with most plots along the lines of showering or bathing, sun-bathing, changing out of wet clothes…anything that necessitated the removal of the curvaceous models garments. Some of the titles and girls (eg: Pamela Green, Jane Palmer and Donna Marlowe and others) have become legendary. Of course there was pornography, but I’ll leave that for someone else to discuss and bare the facts!!
Glamour Film
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