Derann Contracts and Rights
Single Film Contracts
Read more: Single Film ContractsI f you’ve been following these posts you will be forgiven for assuming that every contract we signed was for a minimum of six or so titles, however that wasn’t always the case, as the following three will demonstrate. “TODO POR NADA” Does the title ‘Todo por Nada’ ring any bells, you may know it…
The Snowman
Read more: The SnowmanI don’t think that we’d seen anything but a few stills from the Snowman and no one had been very impressed, we’d all felt that they looked childish and a little sketchy. Derek in particular hadn’t for one minute, been prepared for the praise that staff member Dale Hemenway had heaped upon the title. So…
The 20th Century Fox Contract
Read more: The 20th Century Fox ContractFollowing the success of the MGM features it didn’t take long for Derek to persuade Twentieth Century Fox, that the time was right for them to allow us to issue full length features. ‘The Sound of Music’, 1965, was the one and only choice for us to begin with and with us offering our customers…
The MGM Features
Read more: The MGM FeaturesIn reality this entry should be headed ‘The Ken Contract’! Read on and you’ll understand. Bob Lane of Ken Films, must have decided it was time to slow down and take it easy, for it was his offer to let us print and distribute the MGM features, beginning with ‘Gone With The Wind’ that heralded…
The Plank
Read more: The PlankWhen Derek asked after the rights to the ‘The Plank’, at Rank Film distributors we were taken aback as they said that they hadn’t the rights (the BBFC give Assoc. London Films Ltd as the distributor), it soon became apparent that like EMI’s, TVs ‘The Avengers’, this too had extra strings attached. Following a four…
The Smallest Show on Earth
Read more: The Smallest Show on EarthAcquiring this feature for super 8 was a monumental task! If you’ve yet to view this comedy gem produced by British Lion in 1957, then now is the time to get acquainted. This tale follows a young couple, who inherit a small cinema, the Bijou, that comes complete with a group of aging employees. After…
The Pacific International Deal
Read more: The Pacific International DealJust where we purchased ‘The Adventures of the Wilderness Family’, 1975; and its sequel, released in 1978; from, I am unable to recall, there’s been too much water under the bridge. Both were produced by Pacific International Pictures, but I don’t remember them having offices over here. However I’ve checked the ntry on IMDb and…
G.T.O. Films Ltd
Read more: G.T.O. Films LtdA look at some of the numerous meetings that we undertook in order to issue 8mm films to our customers. Contracts & Rights Chapter 35 G.T.O. Films Ltd and Arcade Records had been founded by Laurence Myers in the early 1970s. I have no memory of where their offices were located, but an appointment was…
The Lone Wolf Features
Read more: The Lone Wolf FeaturesA look at some of the numerous meetings that we undertook in order to issue 8mm films to our customers. Contracts & Rights Chapter 36 Lone Wolf was only a small one man company and was run and operated by Trevor Willsmer, who surprised everyone with the release of a number of productions from producer…
EMI: The Final Contract
Read more: EMI: The Final ContractA look at some of the numerous meetings that we undertook in order to issue 8mm films to our customers. Contracts & Rights Chapter 34 By 1979 EMI had become a regular source of product, but when our contact Ken Troy decided to retire we, as always under such circumstances, had to establish fresh relations…