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This chapter written by a resident of sunny Florida
Humberto Martinez
Ged, it all started when my Dad gave me an 8mm silent projector when I was 8 years old still living in Cuba circa 1961, and I started collecting cartoons and showing them to the neighborhood kids on my garage door covered with a white sheet. Fast forward to 1968 when I arrived in Florida, and my uncle bought me a second hand Bell&Howell Super8mm silent projector and camera. I now began to make my own movies as well as continuing to collect silent shorts, mostly by Castle Films easily bought at the local photo specialty shops. It wasn’t until 1971 when I bought my first Eumig Super8mm magnetic sound projector and I started collecting the Disney cartoon shorts. I also started adding mag stripes to my silent home movies and adding a soundtrack to them. In 1973 I was the first one in town to buy a Kodak Super8mm Ektasound movie camera and continued to make home movies mostly of family events and travel. Some were feature length and had musical scores and narrations. By the early 1980’s I bought my Elmo St-1200 and later my GS 1200’s. These were mag-optical. I then discovered the Super8mm retired airline features and began to collect those which at the time were the best quality in Super8mm as well as the Red Fox, Columbia 8mm, and Paramount Mountain Club. Then the best gift to the Super8mm collector were the Derann prints from Disney and Fox. These were the best and I thank my lucky stars I was able to purchase many of their releases before they closed. Thanks for the opportunity to tell you my story.

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