When Derek asked after the rights to the ‘The Plank’, at Rank Film distributors we were taken aback as they said that they hadn’t the rights (the BBFC give Assoc. London Films Ltd as the distributor), it soon became apparent that like EMI’s, TVs ‘The Avengers’, this too had extra strings attached. Following a four or five week hiatus, we received a call to say that the contract was ready for the signatures. We were ushered into a large and luxurious office that we’d not visited before and there was our contact behind a very large walnut desk and on the other side of the room, on a large settee sat Eric Sykes! His was the second signature, he still followed his ‘baby’ and wanted to meet face to face the people who were going to distribute the film on 8mm. Eric and Derek spoke for a few minutes before shaking hands and adding their signatures. Eric then bade his farewells and wished us all the best for its sales, before making his departure!
…. to be continued.

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