I’m so pleased (and proud), to welcome you to the Derann Vaults website! Following the loss of my Facebook group of the same name I was very lucky to receive the offer of a website from good friend and ally Eivind Mork. So here after many months of hard work from Eivind and limited input from myself is the result, which is generously hosted by Eivind Mork.
If your reading this then you are already aware that I (Ged Jones), worked at Derann Film Services for over 35 years, from August 1975 till it’s closure in September 2011. I would meet a variety of people and visit countries that until then I’d only read about, they were some of the most exciting times of my life. But this isn’t just a record of those years, it’s a short record of my life, written through necessity, as a means to kill the time on my hands once Derann had closed its doors, a way of keeping my mind active and perhaps of closing the door behind me once and for all, (I can now report after 11 years (that being the length of time it has been since I first posted the stories), say that it it hasn’t closed the doors just wedged it open).
Originally I would prepare each weekly chapter and then under the heading ‘The Life and Times of a Fantasy Film Freak’, download them onto my Facebook page, a web site that at one time I had derided, and now was finding it to be my saviour, as preparing these posts was just like being back at my desk at Derann and typing the monthly newsletter. Each weekly post hopefully amused the growing number of old customers from my days in the 8mm department, or names that I’d heard repeated many times in the 16mm or export departments, there were also a growing number of FB friends who just enjoyed fantasy, Asian or kaiju movies, I’m not sure how they were received or if they understood them, but I never had any negative comments. Each post was accompanied by a number of photos and cuttings, some from my own collection, small as it is (but gerowing fast), some from other film related sites and many just lifted from the internet after much searching.

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