Just where we purchased ‘The Adventures of the Wilderness Family’, 1975; and its sequel, released in 1978; from, I am unable to recall, there’s been too much water under the bridge. Both were produced by Pacific International Pictures, but I don’t remember them having offices over here. However I’ve checked the ntry on IMDb and the BBFC and both give Pacific International as the UK distributors. The Sequel was originally known as ‘The Further Adventures of the Wilderness Family’, however our master material, (very nice 35mm prints for both features), was entitled ‘The Adventures of the Wilderness Family Part 2’. The films had both proved popular at the box office and we were able to get two very nice extracts from both! However we were stupid enough to call the 4 extracts ‘The Aventures of the Wilderness Family’ Part one and two, and ‘The Adventures of the Wilderness Family Part 2’ Part one and two. And this is were the fun began…Picture a member of staff taking a telephone order: Customer- ‘I want to order The Adventures of the Wilderness Family’ Part 2 please’. Staff member- ‘Is that Part one or part two sir?’ Customer- ‘The Adventures of the Wilderness Family’ Part two please’, Staff member- Yes sir, would that be ‘The Adventures of the Wilderness Family Part 2, part one or part two’………, and so on!!
…. to be continued.

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